*Forest Welcoming

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The Starting Point

This is the first step before continuing any further on this site. The rules of the site must be seen by all eyes. The map of The Boreal Forest is listed here, and you can even learn about the history of the forest.

Moderator: Scio

5 5 Meet The Staff
by Scio
May 25, 2009 16:05:39 GMT -8
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Creatures of the Forest

The second step is here. If you want to create a character, you must know what kind of creatures live in the forest. Here are the species ranging from Boreal canines, felines, hoofed mammals, birds of prey, and others!

Sub-boards: http://i662.photobucket.com/albums/uu342/syrenwolfess/theborealforest/canines.pngCanines, http://i662.photobucket.com/albums/uu342/syrenwolfess/theborealforest/felines.pngFelines, http://i662.photobucket.com/albums/uu342/syrenwolfess/theborealforest/hoofhorns.pngHoofs and Horns, http://i662.photobucket.com/albums/uu342/syrenwolfess/theborealforest/birdss.pngBirds, http://i662.photobucket.com/albums/uu342/syrenwolfess/theborealforest/smallandfurry.pngSmall and Furry, http://i662.photobucket.com/albums/uu342/syrenwolfess/theborealforest/othermammals.pngOther Forest Dwellers

22 22 Badger
by Scio
Jun 10, 2009 16:19:40 GMT -8
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This is the next step. After reading the rules and other information, learning about each of the animals that live in The Boreal Forest, you can visit this board and create your character!

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4 4 Hazel [skunk] [WiP]
by hazel
Jun 13, 2009 6:27:41 GMT -8
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Forest Information

This board will give you information about each area of The Boreal Forest. The information includes each type of prey in each area, and also the current weather in all the locations of The Boreal Forest.

Sub-boards: http://i662.photobucket.com/albums/uu342/syrenwolfess/theborealforest/rigettenland.pngRigetten Land Information, http://i662.photobucket.com/albums/uu342/syrenwolfess/theborealforest/fisseriuland.pngFisseriu Valley Information, http://i662.photobucket.com/albums/uu342/syrenwolfess/theborealforest/obowkainland.pngObow Kain Crater Information, http://i662.photobucket.com/albums/uu342/syrenwolfess/theborealforest/swampland.pngVipex Swamp Lands Information

6 6 Seasons in the Forest
by Scio
Jun 2, 2009 10:55:28 GMT -8
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This board is specifically for announcements, updates, and other information for The Boreal Forest site. Updates usually include events or activity checks that will be preformed each month. So stay in tuned with this board.

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Rigetten Mountain Range

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The Alforsin is a wide snowy landscape that is claimed by the Alforsin Wolf Pack. It snows in these lands year long, the winters are harsh and the entire landscape is covered in white. Though during the summer the snow only appears on the highest peaks of the land while thick forests decorate the hills. The wolves of these parts do a good job keeping intruder wolves out, but are usually welcoming to other species.

Sub-board: http://i662.photobucket.com/albums/uu342/syrenwolfess/quecelden.pngQuecel Den

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Gacutis Peak

The Gacutis Peak is the highest peak in the Rigetten Mountain range. The Gacutis's elevation is approximately 11,430 feet, and burdens nine foot deep snow year long. Avalanches frequently occur on the Gacutis, which makes it a dangerous place to explore. Very little live in this land, due to below freezing conditions. But the creatures who live or travel through Gacutis Peak are well equipped with the survival skills they need to live in these parts.

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Zan Falls

The Zan Falls is a beautiful area, filled with plants and animals of all varieties. The snow from the Rigetten Mountain Range melts and flows in streams leading to this waterfall. The Zan Falls attracts many species for its beauty. Cold mist surrounds the area, the water is brisk and delicious enough to drink. It is one of the most gorgeous places in all of The Boreal Forest, and acts as an Oasis.

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Polum Lake

A single stream flowing from the Zan Falls travels towards a large water source known as the Polum Lake. This lake is about ten feet deep and crystal clear. Clear enough to see the very bottom. Many creatures come to the lake to fish. Fishing in the lake is easier than ever, considering you can see the fish in the waters. The Polum lake is very calm, reflecting the Rigetten Mountain Range in the water.

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Fisseriu Valley

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Kena Tyel River

A long river called the Kena Tyel River ran by melted snow from the Rigetten Mountain Range. The Polum Lake is where the Kena Tyel begins, then flows eastward throughout the northern part of The Boreal Forest. The river is nearly twelve feet across and flows rather swiftly and is filled with salmon and trout. Many small streams of water from the mountains feed the Kena Tyel River as well.

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Dewsain Pond

The Dewsain Pond is placed on the eastern side of the Fisseriu Valley. Surrounding the large pond is tall grasses and shrubs, followed by fallen trees and stumps. Beavers make their home in this pond, so many dams are scattered across the murky waters. The Dewsain pond has a variety of life living inside and around it. The sounds of frogs and toads echo through the valley. Other reptiles and amphibians make there home in the warm waters of the Dewsain Pond.

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Hifu Scrubs

The Hifu Scrubs is a strange land far different from the rest of The Boreal Forest. A thicket type land that is made up of mostly shrubs and tall, dry grass. From fall through summer, the Hifu Scrubs is a dry land where the vegetation isn't a very nice place to graze. Many horned creatures live in these parts for the vegetation during the spring when the grasses become lush and green. And where ever there is prey, there will be hunters.

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Servis River

The Servis River runs westward through the southwestern area of The Boreal Forest. The river isn't very wide, in fact, the widest part of the river is only nine feet across. The Servis River can be crossed easily, as the current is very calm. The salmon runs that occur each year are hectic, as the fish swim upstream in the shallower waters. And where there are salmon, there will be bears. The Servis River is much warmer, shallower, and narrower than the Kena Tyel River.

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Obow Kain Crater

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Thich Woods

The Thich Woods cover most of the western boarder of The Boreal Forest. This woodland area is the most heavily forested part in Obow Kain's crater, dozens of different types of plants and trees are scattered in this land. In some places, not much rain can get through the thick canopies from above, so the forest floor in this is very dry. But in most other areas of these woods, the floor is lush with grass as the trees gain entrance for both the sun and the rain. Many species of animal take shelter from predators in this area.

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The Stoet Cliffs

The Stoet Cliffs were formed when a large earthquake occurred millions of years ago. When it happened, it left a large crater in The Boreal Forest which is now called, the Obow Kain Crater. The Stoet Cliffs are what boarder his area. The dangerously steep cliffs make it difficult to journey to the Obow Kain lands. These cliffs range from five to eight thousand feet below sea level. There are some sloped trails that have been formed by migrating elk that are not as steep. These elk made slopes are difficult to find.

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The Deadlands

This land is called The Deadlands for one reason, nothing lives here. An empty, cold land mostly made up of the earth's crust. The Deadlands look somewhat like a desert, only there isn't sand, just crumbling stones and dried dirt. The reason this land is dead is because acid rain falls here frequently. Killing anything and everything it falls on. It is unknown why the acid rain only falls on this area, or how it even forms. The Deadlands have no shelter, so it wouldn't be smart to travel through these lands during a storm.

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Dry Ravine

The Dry Ravine is located on the southern boarder of the Stoet Cliffs. Nurno Creek is fed by the southern part of the Servis River, which millions of years ago was believed to form a waterfall over the cliffs, and falling into the ravine. But as time passed and the earth shifted, the Nurno Creek doesn't reach the cliffs any longer. Leaving the ravine dry, which gave it it's name. Many trees are in this area, which put off good shade and a nice place to relax.

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Vipex Swamp Lands

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Nurno Creek

Feeding the Nurno Creek is the southern part of the Servis River. It is flowed from the Outskirts of The Boreal Forest. The Nurno Creek flows very swiftly, but it isn't very large. It is about four feet across and around two feet deep. Though is some parts of the creek, it can reach to four feet deep. When the salmon swim upstream, it is very difficult for them to pass through the Nurno Creek because of its width and depth.

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Unes Plains

The Unes Plains is a very large grassy area that is surrounded by many trees. The thickets grass can easily grow over five feet tall. Every single species of animal can be seen here in the Unes Plains. Elk usually end up in this area during their Winter migration, and can stay here until early Summer. The Unes Plains make it a paradise to carnivorous species, as this area holds all kinds of game and prey. The area is usually green and lush all year long, except when it snows in the Winter.

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The Bog

The bog is a mysterious place that can be harmful to wildlife from its slightly toxic waters. Moss covers the area, and the water is very thick and muddy and takes on a greenish tint. In all of the Boreal Forest, weeping willow trees can only be found at The Bog and other parts in the Vipex Swamp Lands. This small area makes it a good place to find shelter, though it is the most muggiest place in the land. The water is not drinkable, and many who attempt to swim in the land get engulfed by the thick mud.

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Culben Eyn

The Culben Eyn is located in the southeastern part of The Boreal Forest. The Culben Eyn Wolf Pack claim this land, and are usually more dangerous than their wolf brothers in Alforsin. This land is very dark and humid, and there is hardly any solid ground. The Culben Eyn is the heart of the Vipex Swamp Lands, therefore, it is wettest part in the land. The swampy area is inhabited by Caimans, a smaller species of crocodile, and other various reptiles.

Sub-board: http://i662.photobucket.com/albums/uu342/syrenwolfess/wupkyden.pngWupky Den

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*Out Of Character

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Member Hangout

Members of the site can create OOC topics, chat about anything, even games are accepted on this board. Feel free to do whatever you please in this area.

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13 86 Game To Win Pinecones!
by Strom
Jun 16, 2009 19:14:51 GMT -8
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Questions and Suggestions

Please post any questions you have about the site here. If it is a question you do not want viewed to the public, then private message a staff member. Also, if you have a suggestion that could improve the site, post them here as well.

1 1 Updating and suggestions?
by Scio
Jun 20, 2009 16:59:39 GMT -8
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Affiliate and Advertise

To advertise or affiliate your site or anything else, please post them in this board. If you affiliate us, we will affiliate you! This board is welcomed to guests.

Aug 13, 2009 17:58:30 GMT -8
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Thread Graveyard

Threads must end sometime, fortunately, this board will keep all past stories. So if you ever feel like looking back on the good 'Ol days, come here and read through The Boreal Forest's archives.

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